Manual count points

Site number: 75190

Site details

Region North West
Local authority West Cheshire
Road name M53
Road classification Motorway
Managed by Highways England
Road type Major
Start junction A56
End junction M56 spur
Link length 3.70km (2.30 miles)
Easting, northing 342630, 370000
Latitude, longitude 53.22393300, -2.86075460


Annual Average daily flow

Year Count method Pedal cycles Two wheeled motor vehicles Cars and taxis Buses and coaches Light goods vehicles Heavy goods vehicles All motor vehicles
2023 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 133 47886 220 11541 4880 64660
2022 Automatic counter 0 137 46592 210 11175 4969 63084
2021 Automatic counter 0 119 40132 179 9589 4780 54799
2020 Automatic counter 0 115 34589 176 8085 4285 47249
2019 Automatic counter 0 208 54001 330 9826 4782 69147
2018 Automatic counter 0 218 53792 333 9945 4807 69095
2017 Automatic counter 0 218 54161 331 9623 4731 69065
2016 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 256 58811 368 9628 4918 73980
2015 Manual count 0 252 58334 375 9067 4750 72779
2014 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 158 56494 214 8687 4737 70291
2013 Manual count 0 160 56008 202 7915 4609 68894
2012 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 296 55609 251 7684 4983 68824
2011 Manual count 0 324 56654 239 7495 4968 69680
2010 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 280 55474 242 7471 6459 69926
2009 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 300 56491 214 7397 6574 70976
2008 Manual count 0 310 57004 200 7267 7179 71960
2007 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 236 56753 398 7598 5890 70875
2006 Manual count 0 229 56358 352 7174 5958 70071
2005 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 190 56705 232 6930 5687 69744
2004 Manual count 0 188 56705 222 6696 5779 69590
2003 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 335 53337 377 5890 5922 65861
2002 Manual count 0 297 54648 367 5719 6178 67209
2001 Manual count 0 281 55945 211 6315 6273 69025
2000 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 279 54316 207 5975 6250 67027

Download data

Data disclaimer

Traffic figures at the regional and national level are robust, and are reported as National Statistics. However, DfT’s traffic estimates for individual road links and small areas are less robust, as they are not always based on up-to-date counts made at these locations. Where other more up-to-date sources of traffic data are available (e.g. from local highways authorities), this may provide a more accurate estimate of traffic at these locations.

It is the responsibility of the user to decide which data are most appropriate for their purpose, and if DfT road link level traffic estimates are used, to make a note of the limitations in any published material.

Quality flags in data downloads

DfT’s road link level traffic estimates are calculated using a variety of methods, with some methods likely to produce more accurate estimates than others.

The data tables available to download here contain a column - estimation_method – showing the method used to estimate traffic for each location and year. Figures having an estimation method of “Counted” are likely to be more accurate than those marked as “Estimated”, and the latter should be used with caution.

Data Description Records Download
Site details Manual count point site 75190 details. 1 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow Number of vehicles that travel past the count point (in both directions) on an average day of the year. 24 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow by direction Number of vehicles that travel past the count point on an average day of the year, by direction of travel. 48 JSON | CSV
Raw counts Vehicle counts recorded at this count point. 192 JSON | CSV