1. Traffic statistics
  2. API Documentation

API Documentation

This website presents the annual estimates of traffic on Great Britain’s roads. It provides figures for traffic broken down by vehicle type, road category and geographic area.

Road traffic statistics has an open API you can use to access the data without any authentication.

There are currently no rate limits.

The base URL for each endpoint is https://roadtraffic.dft.gov.uk/api/

Most of the endpoints return paginated results, which can be filtered on allowed names. See the API reference for more details about the different records and available filters.

Contact roadtraff.stats@dft.gov.uk if you have any problems or questions that are not covered in this guide.

API reference

GET /average-annual-daily-flow

View all average-annual daily flow (~350,000 records). Results are paginated and the following filters are available:

  • count_point_id
  • region_id
  • local_authority_id
  • year
  • count_method
  • road_name
  • road_category

GET /average-annual-daily-flow-by-direction

View all average-annual daily flow (by direction) (~500,000 records). Results are paginated and the following filters are available:

  • count_point_id
  • region_id
  • local_authority_id
  • year
  • count_method
  • road_name
  • road_category

GET /count-points

View all road traffic count point locations (~45,000 records). Results are paginated and the following filters are available:

  • region_id
  • local_authority_id
  • road_name
  • road_category
  • road_type

GET /local-authorities

View local authorities (United Kingdom), including which region they belong to:

GET /regions

View regions (United Kingdom), including all local authorities within the region:

GET /raw-counts

View all raw count records (~3.5M records). Raw counts are the actual manual counts taken at count point locations. Results are paginated and the following filters are available:

  • count_point_id
  • region_id
  • local_authority_id
  • year
  • count_method
  • road_name
  • road_category
  • road_type