Manual count points

Site number: 56042

Site details

Region North West
Local authority Wirral
Road name M53
Road classification Motorway
Managed by Highways England
Road type Major
Start junction A551
End junction 2
Link length 1.30km (0.81 miles)
Easting, northing 327000, 389250
Latitude, longitude 53.39501300, -3.09925760


Annual Average daily flow

Year Count method Pedal cycles Two wheeled motor vehicles Cars and taxis Buses and coaches Light goods vehicles Heavy goods vehicles All motor vehicles
2023 Manual count 0 110 38772 87 5761 640 45371
2022 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 54 31831 51 5488 638 38062
2021 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 48 28083 44 4824 626 33625
2020 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 47 24566 44 4127 558 29342
2019 Manual count 0 85 38024 82 4973 626 43788
2018 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 179 30655 92 4323 588 35838
2017 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 180 30919 92 4190 577 35958
2016 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 194 30953 94 3865 546 35652
2015 Manual count 0 192 30702 96 3639 522 35151
2014 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 182 33195 323 3218 1033 37951
2013 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 184 32910 305 2932 1057 37388
2012 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 168 32585 290 2716 1038 36797
2011 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 184 33197 276 2649 1084 37390
2010 Manual count 0 188 32642 243 2534 1130 36737
2009 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 254 29545 583 3920 627 34929
2008 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 263 29814 543 3851 672 35143
2007 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 249 30516 419 3761 689 35634
2006 Manual count 0 242 30304 371 3551 697 35165
2005 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 264 29297 174 2971 834 33540
2004 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 262 29297 168 2870 832 33429
2003 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 293 28499 280 2605 772 32449
2002 Manual count 0 260 29200 272 2529 791 33052
2001 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 183 25932 211 2289 868 29483
2000 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 181 25177 206 2165 819 28548

Download data

Data disclaimer

Traffic figures at the regional and national level are robust, and are reported as National Statistics. However, DfT’s traffic estimates for individual road links and small areas are less robust, as they are not always based on up-to-date counts made at these locations. Where other more up-to-date sources of traffic data are available (e.g. from local highways authorities), this may provide a more accurate estimate of traffic at these locations.

It is the responsibility of the user to decide which data are most appropriate for their purpose, and if DfT road link level traffic estimates are used, to make a note of the limitations in any published material.

Quality flags in data downloads

DfT’s road link level traffic estimates are calculated using a variety of methods, with some methods likely to produce more accurate estimates than others.

The data tables available to download here contain a column - estimation_method – showing the method used to estimate traffic for each location and year. Figures having an estimation method of “Counted” are likely to be more accurate than those marked as “Estimated”, and the latter should be used with caution.

Data Description Records Download
Site details Manual count point site 56042 details. 1 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow Number of vehicles that travel past the count point (in both directions) on an average day of the year. 24 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow by direction Number of vehicles that travel past the count point on an average day of the year, by direction of travel. 48 JSON | CSV
Raw counts Vehicle counts recorded at this count point. 144 JSON | CSV