Manual count points

Site number: 36537

Site details

Region West Midlands
Local authority Herefordshire, County of
Road name A49
Road classification 'A' road
Managed by Highways England
Road type Major
Start junction A465
End junction A438
Link length 0.90km (0.56 miles)
Easting, northing 350773, 239298
Latitude, longitude 52.04987300, -2.71926020


Annual Average daily flow

Year Count method Pedal cycles Two wheeled motor vehicles Cars and taxis Buses and coaches Light goods vehicles Heavy goods vehicles All motor vehicles
2023 Automatic counter 73 456 36286 310 5793 1773 44618
2022 Automatic counter 78 479 36217 311 5721 1858 44586
2021 Manual count 78 426 34543 288 5629 1953 42838
2020 Automatic counter 95 338 32463 304 6735 1887 41727
2019 Manual count 60 330 32066 338 5522 1526 39782
2018 Automatic counter 156 440 36884 375 6205 1506 45409
2017 Manual count 145 402 35752 374 5717 1434 43680
2016 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 80 371 37206 328 7398 1613 46917
2015 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 67 357 36125 322 6850 1549 45204
2014 Manual count 72 351 36801 325 6513 1553 45542
2013 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 119 387 36256 314 6354 1495 44806
2012 Manual count 120 387 36462 334 6282 1502 44967
2011 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 99 378 36853 318 5721 1652 44922
2010 Manual count 90 356 37038 318 5549 1662 44923
2009 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 174 463 36931 435 5753 1672 45254
2008 Manual count 174 491 37531 445 5312 1729 45508
2007 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 90 486 32971 443 5315 1966 41181
2006 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 144 481 34596 460 4872 1995 42404
2005 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 91 463 34494 468 4795 1982 42202
2004 Manual count 109 458 35378 475 4673 2077 43061
2003 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 202 593 33913 629 5223 2120 42478
2002 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 226 528 34394 704 4791 2030 42447
2001 Manual count 218 522 34463 689 4781 2101 42556
2000 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 179 453 33588 842 4858 2173 41914

Download data

Data disclaimer

Traffic figures at the regional and national level are robust, and are reported as National Statistics. However, DfT’s traffic estimates for individual road links and small areas are less robust, as they are not always based on up-to-date counts made at these locations. Where other more up-to-date sources of traffic data are available (e.g. from local highways authorities), this may provide a more accurate estimate of traffic at these locations.

It is the responsibility of the user to decide which data are most appropriate for their purpose, and if DfT road link level traffic estimates are used, to make a note of the limitations in any published material.

Quality flags in data downloads

DfT’s road link level traffic estimates are calculated using a variety of methods, with some methods likely to produce more accurate estimates than others.

The data tables available to download here contain a column - estimation_method – showing the method used to estimate traffic for each location and year. Figures having an estimation method of “Counted” are likely to be more accurate than those marked as “Estimated”, and the latter should be used with caution.

Data Description Records Download
Site details Manual count point site 36537 details. 1 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow Number of vehicles that travel past the count point (in both directions) on an average day of the year. 24 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow by direction Number of vehicles that travel past the count point on an average day of the year, by direction of travel. 48 JSON | CSV
Raw counts Vehicle counts recorded at this count point. 216 JSON | CSV