Manual count points

Site number: 26063

Site details

Region North West
Local authority Wirral
Road name M53
Road classification Motorway
Managed by Highways England
Road type Major
Start junction 6
End junction 5
Link length 0.90km (0.56 miles)
Easting, northing 336600, 379000
Latitude, longitude 53.30413400, -2.95285690


Annual Average daily flow

Year Count method Pedal cycles Two wheeled motor vehicles Cars and taxis Buses and coaches Light goods vehicles Heavy goods vehicles All motor vehicles
2023 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 322 48427 116 11023 3234 63122
2022 Manual count 0 331 47119 111 10674 3278 61513
2021 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 102 36292 57 9488 3735 49673
2020 Manual count 0 100 31746 57 8117 3402 43421
2019 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 236 59724 163 9352 4241 73717
2018 Manual count 0 244 58822 163 9360 4216 72805
2017 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 202 53267 171 9163 4207 67011
2016 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 218 53325 175 8451 4024 66194
2015 Manual count 0 215 52893 179 7958 3875 65120
2014 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 176 47810 127 8269 4614 60997
2013 Manual count 0 178 47399 120 7534 4626 59857
2012 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 206 51980 91 8471 4073 64822
2011 Manual count 0 225 52957 87 8263 4067 65599
2010 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 308 52376 211 6740 4660 64295
2009 Manual count 0 330 53336 186 6673 4752 65277
2008 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 272 50893 348 8646 4665 64824
2007 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 257 52091 269 8443 4799 65859
2006 Manual count 0 250 51729 238 7973 4835 65025
2005 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 219 48522 113 7920 4989 61763
2004 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 217 48522 109 7651 4940 61439
2003 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 244 47201 181 6943 4579 59148
2002 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 216 48361 176 6741 4676 60170
2001 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link 0 223 47741 176 6277 4554 58971
2000 Manual count 0 221 46351 172 5939 4469 57152

Download data

Data disclaimer

Traffic figures at the regional and national level are robust, and are reported as National Statistics. However, DfT’s traffic estimates for individual road links and small areas are less robust, as they are not always based on up-to-date counts made at these locations. Where other more up-to-date sources of traffic data are available (e.g. from local highways authorities), this may provide a more accurate estimate of traffic at these locations.

It is the responsibility of the user to decide which data are most appropriate for their purpose, and if DfT road link level traffic estimates are used, to make a note of the limitations in any published material.

Quality flags in data downloads

DfT’s road link level traffic estimates are calculated using a variety of methods, with some methods likely to produce more accurate estimates than others.

The data tables available to download here contain a column - estimation_method – showing the method used to estimate traffic for each location and year. Figures having an estimation method of “Counted” are likely to be more accurate than those marked as “Estimated”, and the latter should be used with caution.

Data Description Records Download
Site details Manual count point site 26063 details. 1 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow Number of vehicles that travel past the count point (in both directions) on an average day of the year. 24 JSON | CSV
Average annual daily flow by direction Number of vehicles that travel past the count point on an average day of the year, by direction of travel. 48 JSON | CSV
Raw counts Vehicle counts recorded at this count point. 216 JSON | CSV